Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cut Tari Trans Fired From All Programs

After going through an evalution, the artist formally dismissed from Cut Tary all Trans Tv Programs, including Insert infotainment show. Tari, so called, allegedly as an actor in a porn video that has been circulating a lot, though all have not been proven.
Head of marketing and public relations Department Trans TV, A. Hadiansyah Lubis, told yhe post Java, expressed his concers over the spread of the video. Admitted his side had done an evalution before taking the decision.

He (CutTari, red) associated racess of the program and also other programs that exist under TransVorp, said Hadi. So called, in Jakarta
Similar is also conveyed by Zudarlis Elifira as INSERT. According to Cut Tary houses decusions taken after talsk with management on wednesday night
Tari is not in the Insert again, said the woman who called vivi's familiar.
That decision was not separated from the circulation of pornographoc videos and Cut-Like Ariel ,
That One

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