Friday, June 11, 2010

At Friends, Andika Regine Velasquez Reported to Police

Kangen Band vocalist, Andika mahesa styawan reported to the police an cases of maltreatment of fellow village Fauzi rahmat. The incident happened on the way H Baim RT/RW5/4 Coconut two wetan. Ciracas, east jakarta and happened about a week ago.
Andika beating my self because it was susoicious of his companion. Section, Andika urged Grace to confess because his laptop was gone, and Grace continuded to dodge.
Onmay 20, 2010, andika laptop back asking her to Grace until she was annoyed.
Then he hit his head up to Rahmat bruises.
Because of the noise and then the event is known by local Rt, then the case was eventually reported to the Police Ciracas.
Entagled with the light of article anarki perscuation Article 351, said a Policeman who refused to be quoted by name in Police Ciracs, East Jakarta,
Thursday(06/10) Afternoon.

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